Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bledisloe Cup

I had the opportunity to go to the Bledisloe Cup this week with some friends 3 of us were going for the Wallabies (Aust) and 2 of us were going for the All Blacks (NZ). On the way into the game in the car the rules were established, we all nailed our colours to the mast, the competetiveness in the car was so thick you would have had to chip away at it with an ice pick to have broken it down at all.

Then the National Anthems, all 5 of us located ourselves in the middle of our respective teams, then the Haka and waltzing Matilda were chanted along with, there was high fives and knowing looks with the people around us as they located what side of the fence they were on, its amazing how united people come when they are on the same team, or cheering for the same colours.

The whole night actually was not about what we disagreed with people on it was about focusing on the people that we had common ground and unity with. One guy in particular was sitting 4 rows back and 12 seats over and we were getting eye contact all night and celebrating together as our team went on to win, we didn't actually speak a word, but I found myself when we scored searching for a nod of agreement and a smile so we could celebrate together.

Isn't it funny that we can unite around such things as a football game so easily even when there are clear opponents in sight no one seems to focus on the opposition or the negative aspect of them being right there, their point of view and their unhappiness with the refs calls, we can see past that and just focus on what we have in common, even in loss there seems to be a genuine, she'll be right mate kind of attitude.

In the car on the way home there were no sides, there was no trash talk, there was a return to the common ground of our love for the game, enjoyment of the night and what we all took out of the game.

What unites you with the people around you, its very easy to focus on the things that bring distance but if you build on the common ground and have enough grace to look past the differences, life is a whole lot more fruitful.

That's what I reckon!!

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Friday, July 25, 2008

Believing in People

I personally find it very easy to believe in people, I have been in an environment for the last 18 years that has given me plenty of great reasons for that.

This picture is of Brenden Brown, he is one of the pastors at our church, Brenden has been in my life for about 5 years now maybe 6 and we got close when he came on a missions trip to japan with me, Brenden is now flourishing as a leader and is seeing people who serve in his area of church life growing from strength to strength.

I love watching people succeed because they have a heart for others not because they have ambitions to but just cause God sees thier heart and willingness to prefer another in order for God to have His way.

Brenden is now one of my great mates and I believe he has a great future...

I believe we should all believe in people, Jesus entrusted everything into the hands of a few people He believed, not cause they had graduated just cause He wanted to...

Believe in someone warts and all today, my warts didn't deter the people who trusted me.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ski trip day 2

So here we are having breakfast with the crew day 2 and I have asked each of the boys for one word to describe how they feel.
Dazza - me - hurting
Chrishan - good
Joel - mindful
Matty T - glorious (with a twang)
Ben - flourishing
Tim - anticipatiousness (new word)
Grant - supercalifragilisticexpealidosious
Rob - ecstatic

I am personally in a world of pain after my first day of skiing for 7 years, I am feeling the ski field coffee shops calling me today, I will be frequent and I will linger!

Have fun wherever you are whatever you're doing.

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Topse Mates

Well I am on my way to the snowfields with 4 of the best mates a guy could ask for.

We are in the pimping van and have had a few coffees on the way, and we are gunna have some fun on the slopes.

Stay tuned for the pics of trip.

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Saturday, July 19, 2008


Another first in a boys life is his first mullet haircut, my boy Sam got his yesterday, mums not happy, dads loving it and Sams just cheeering cause he got a lollypop for sitting still.

I have been telling him he has a mulllet and he says no daddy, no mullet just a haircut.

Corporate on top! Party at the back!
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Friday, July 18, 2008

My Sons first Shiner

There's certain milestones in a young boys life that really set him on the right track for the future.

There's the first tooth, the first haircut, the first step, first solid food, first word, first day at school, first time he stands up to pee, first pet and the list goes on.

But I would like to announce my 21 Month old youngest sons great milestone of HIS FIRST SHINER (black eye) and here's the photographic evidence.

Don't ask how he got it cause I don't know, he walked out of the room with no shiner and then a few minutes later came back with this... Not a tear was shed, he just stepped into the next phase of life with a shiner behind him and no fuss at all.

Big love and don't forget to duck.

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fine Bros

Part of my morning ritual is to have coffee with friends, its always great to start the day with a bit of a sledge and a laugh, well we call it the Fine Brothers (even though we had a fine sister with us today) and we are taking the Fine Brothers Global.

To apply to have your own Fine Brothers chapter just email me and we will see what we can do.

Here's to the finer things in life.

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British and us...

So I am sitting here on the lounge watching the British open with Steve Mawston (see photo). I just had Foxtel HD installed so I can see very clearly the terrible British weather.

My big question is why didn't more people commit more crimes so they too could enjoy the fruits of transportation? I'm talking about the convict days of course.

Anyway go Badds!!
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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Worth the wait!

I have been praying for my brother for 18 years and about 3 weeks ago I got the great privilege of baptising him, what an honour. Very emotional time.

If I could say one thing to anyone reading this blog I would say we should never give up on those who need Christ and are in our world!! He is well able!

Go for it.
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Living the dream

This is my peruvian hat, I like it a lot.